Protecting Company Data

Whatever business you're currently operating, you are likely to be working with customer information. That information could be as simple as their name and zip code or could be as complex as personal finance records and relationship details. Your ability to protect that information is vital for clients, but also for your own staffers that need that information to do their work. If you're serious about protecting the information you work with, you'll consider these data-related suggestions.

1- Set Policies

A major reason for breaches concerning information and details is that employees aren't as vigilant as they should be. This is sometimes due to poor training and no understanding of the expectations you have for them. Describe your data policies in great detail and ensure employees are aware of rules. For instance, you might forbid accessing certain files unless an employee is in the building. You may ask that passwords be changed regularly. Be sure to also describe consequences for not doing what you ask.

2-Monitor Use

Your own attention is often needed to supervise personnel use of data. Whether you monitor usage yourself or enlist IT professionals, you need to know about any unusual or forbidden use. For example, if you notice that large chunks of information are being downloaded to a staffer's personal mobile device throughout multiple nights, you may be able to take action before real damage is done.

3- Have a Plan for Recovery

If a computer dies or a virus has shut down your network, you may still need to access the data you were using. Don't wait until such a serious situation happens; look for ways you can be proactive. Having a plan will lessen any damage.

You may, for example, investigate computer data transfer services. Companies specializing in this work should be able to help you recover some or all of your data and transfer it to flash drives or other machines. This will allow your personnel to continue working on behalf of your clients. If you're able to do computer data transfers, you can then work on alternate ways of saving relevant information.

Another option is just to back up individual files frequently. This is possible by manually saving documents onto flash drives or other media, or by uploading files to a server on the cloud.

These information tips can help you protect records for your own company's livelihood and your clients as well. If you've already lost some data or suspect you might have, get in touch with a business like Colorado Computers that can complete computer data transfers for you and preserve or recover data as needed.
