Important Reasons To Use A Password Manager Today

Are you someone who works from home? Do you do a lot of work on different websites, each with their own unique login? Working from home can offer you a great feeling of independence. Unfortunately, when you work from home, you often have to be your own tech support in addition to doing whatever other work needs to be completed. And one of the things that you need to do as tech support is to keep track of all of your various login information. [Read More]

CRM Cloud Hosting: Ignite Your Customers & Your Business

CRM stands for customer relationship management. In simple terms, it is a system that helps you manage that all-important aspect of your business: your customer base. A dynamics CRM cloud hosting service uses integrated data to provide real-time solutions that will help improve how you interact and do business. There are five important components in a CRM cloud host that help you build these vital customer relationships. 1. Customer Information [Read More]

3 Tips To Keep Your Computer Virus Free

If your computer is your livelihood for school or work, you're obviously going to want to make sure it stays in top shape at all times. Catching a virus is not just annoying, it could cause you to be late on your next project for school or cost you money if you become unable to perform your job. You should absolutely have an anti-virus software program installed and running at all times on your computer, but here are some additional tips that will hopefully help keep you virus free. [Read More]

Signs It's Time To Replace Your Mac

Despite computers' reputation for becoming obsolete even before you buy them, newer computers do last a long time. In fact, they can last long enough so that there's no clear point where they have to be replaced, unless you know what to look for. Simple but chronic issues are the key to telling when you have to replace your computer. Kernel Panics It's not unusual for a computer in otherwise good condition to have what's known as a kernel panic, which is an internal system error that requires the computer to immediately shut down. [Read More]